Molars the significance of root canal treatment

As the replacement of deciduous teeth, deciduous teeth root canal treatment is often overlooked. However, deciduous apical inflammation, not only to bring pain to give patients the pain, but also cause some other undesirable consequences. Such as: malocclusion, inherited disorders and hypoplasia of permanent teeth eruption, and even also cause temporomandibular joint and other systemic diseases.

Deciduous apical infection, and alveolar bone adhesion was, and root does not absorb or absorb incomplete, often leads to deciduous teeth. Deciduous teeth and cause permanent tooth eruption dislocation.

Apical teeth often cause inflammation and apical alveolar bone absorption, so that early loss of deciduous teeth loose, can produce adjacent teeth tilt, decrease or disappearance of missing gap, which affects the eruption of permanent teeth caused by crowding or impacted teeth , and the arch outside the eruption.

Early loss of the second molars, first permanent molars move forward, arch length of the retarded, the anteroposterior diameter of the shortened, thereby undermining the co-ordination between the upper and Beware of periodontal disease lower dental arch, the second molar or misplaced before the eruption, while on the occlusal tooth elongation.