Dental care for children Banglore

Dental care for children

Children are very sensitive for many diseases than adults, because children immune system is weaker than adults. The most common diseases or problems we find in children are dental problems. Parents should care the children dental health.  Parents should teach the children about the brushing and clean of mouth before and after the meal. If this personal hygiene is poor the children will suffer from different dental problems such as tooth decay, gum diseases, canker sores, oral cancers, and TMJ disorders.

Paedodontist is a doctor who is specialist in children's dentistry. Paedodontist is also called as children's dentist. Paedodontist involves in caring and prevention diseases of children's teeth. Paedodontist usually involves dentistry of group of patients like children, babies, toddlers, children to young adults below Children experience dental problems because of not following regular personal hygiene of teeth. Daily we teach children to brush and maintain good healthy gums. 

The most common dental problems in children are gum diseases, canker sores and TMJ disorders. Gum diseases cause because of lack of personal hygiene such as infrequent brushing and bathing. Gum diseases may be gum inflammation or bacterial infection of the gum. Gum diseases can be treated by root canal treatment and other dental problems have set of dental surgery techniques.