The Necessary Knowledge of Dental Scaling

Can you get my teeth scaled? As a professional dentist it is so easy for him to handle this dental treatment,even a dental student could get it done. But many dentists may have experience that some patients will reject a teeth scaling by telling them that scaling suffers sore and keep bleeding, it will get dirty again in a few days after scaling, or tell them that they are sensitive with any dental equipment. Why should that be? Our doctor may give a variety of explanations, but the only reason is you are probably not able to scaling.

On the dental scaling there are some tips to be shared,only the voice of experience.

For the first step we should make sure whether the patient can be scaling and suspend the treatment for a severe inflammation of the oral cavity, gum swelling, severe hyperplasia until the inflammation get controled after take anti-inflammatory drugs or mouthwash. Patients with cardiac surgery, especially with cardiac pacemaker should be suspended for a dental scaling, cause the ultrasonic dental scaler might interfere in the work of pacemakers. To avoid disease transmission to others for the patients with acute infectious disease of acute hepatitis or tuberculosis,the scaling should get done after the disease process get controled. Pregnant women, especially in early and late pregnancy had better not do the scaling.