The Little Things That Help Patients Feel Better

Studies have shown that patients with a higher morale actually tend to heal much more quickly than patients with a more pessimistic outlook. Though it may sometimes be difficult to inspire optimism in someone suffering from an illness, there are many small yet effective ways to help patients to feel better and to encourage higher morale, despite their ill health and sufferings. Surprisingly minor details in their daily lives can contribute to an overall outlook that is happier and more optimistic, and thus more conducive to getting well.

A Brighter Day

Being stuck inside can make anyone a feel bit stir crazy or just a little low. Sick patients often must stay inside for extended periods of time, and often there is little that can be done about this. However, the way a room is kept can really make a difference in just how "indoors" it feels. If there is a big window to let light in and a view, this is ideal. If not, the room can still be worked on to feel brighter and cheerier. Pristine hospital walls are already bright and white, but additions like fresh flowers or brightly colored pictures can really help to give a less "stuck inside" feel and brighten up the day.


There is a very good reason for the saying "laughter is the best medicine." Laughter helps us to lighten the mood in any situation. When you are sick, laughter can be a large part of simply feeling normal in the face of discomfort, hardship, and possibly feelings of depression. Whether it is engaging in a funny conversation or watching a comedy, a regular dose of humor can do wonders for encouraging feelings of happiness and optimism.

Fresh and Comfortable Linens

This may sound like too small of a detail to make much of a difference, but it is easy to underestimate the importance of a comfortable bed to someone who spends as much time lying down as a sick patient. Having fresh and comfortable linens to lie down on can make the situation of being so often stuck in bed seem considerably less bleak. By having linens that look, smell, and feel clean, fresh, and soft, you can really brighten a sick patient's day and encourage optimistic feelings of comfort and wellness. By having linens professionally laundered, you can really make this little detail a big part of their daily enjoyments.