3 Life Saving Techniques Everybody Should Learn

We face hundred different situations and problems in our daily life and our basic common sense and knowledge facilitates us in solving them. For any difficulty that comes across, we need some sort-of an idea or knowledge about the problem to have some grip on it. The everyday situations that we face are wide-ranging and at any time, there could be a case which poses a threat to the life of somebody around you. At most times, people do not know how to react and fail to handle the situation properly. For a better planning and execution, basic first-aid skills should be known to everybody as they can be needed in any emergency without warning. For a complete knowledge of techniques, taking a course from a professional institute is important and here is some information about the five most important first-aid techniques people should have an idea about.

One of the most common and dangerous emergencies that are faced is a sudden problem in breathing. CPR or cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation is a method that is used to revive the breathing of a person. At a lot of times, due to some physical problem the breath of a person can stop and if not treated immediately, the person can lose his or her life. CPR is the method of reviving the person with the help of compressions and breaths. It is a set procedure and there are three basic CPR actions that have to be conducted. To conduct a PR, tilt the head of the victim in a backward position and start by giving chest compressions and do it at regular intervals after giving the lungs, time to expand. The pattern is to give 30 compressions and two breaths and this should be repeated till the time the person begins to breath. Simultaneously call 911 and make sure medical help arrives as soon as possible.

Another very common emergency that has the capability of taking a life is the problem of cardiac arrests. With stressed lifestyles and high cholesterol levels, cardiac arrests have become something very ordinary and can happen to anybody. Immediate attention is required to prevent the person from dying and this is only possible with the help of the shocking devices available at most public places. These shocking devices are technically called AED or Automated External De-fibrillators and are used as immediate shocking devices to revive the heart. Cardiac arrests happen due to sudden disruption in the heart beats and can only be brought to normal with the help of these devices. AEDs are very easy to use and with proper knowledge, even students can use it with proper training.

When out somewhere or met with an accident, bleeding is something very ordinary and lethal at the same time. To stop the bleeding, pressure needs to be applied to the wound with the help of a clean and sterile gauze. If it is not available in any condition, a towel or a cloth can be used for the same purpose. If it is possible, the wound should be raised above the heart to prevent excessive bleeding. These are the three most important techniques people of all ages and backgrounds should know and training is highly important to know the right way to do it.