Cleaning Your Tablecloths for Holiday Catering

Restaurant linens, though not frequently considered when dining out, are one of the foundational items that have the ability to imbue a place with the right feel and atmosphere. On the other hand, haphazard, dingy or soiled linens make even the most scrumptious meal seem sloppy and inadequate. A restaurant with a talented chef and reliably outstanding food immediately seems less appealing when dishes are served on dingy or stained linens. Tablecloths are the canvases on which artful food is served, and the presentation of the table impacts how the food is perceived. The same holds true for catering, in that the visual presentation is at least as important as the food itself - and perhaps even more persuasive, considering how people are programmed to interpret sensory data.

Artful Presentation Matters

As we all know through experience, first impressions are everything, especially when it comes to business. Our brains are wired to receive information about our environments continuously through every sense we have. The sensory stimuli that we take in at any given moment are rapidly categorized and translated through our individual experiences. This information works together to help us make judgments and decisions, categorize events and create memories. Comforting smells, pleasant temperature, crisp linens, delicious food and music all create an experience when dining out. When one piece of the puzzle is missing, it skews the entire perception of the event. A movie theater that smells old and musty, for example, can impact what patrons remember from the outing. That same phenomenon can occur anywhere and is something to keep in mind when in the business of selling an experience, which is exactly what modern consumers expect when dining out or using a catering service.

Like dining out, people hire caterers for many reasons: to save time, celebrate a special occasion, or just to relax and enjoy being waited on. But the key is that regardless of why they are choosing to do so, they are counting on the ability to create a certain feeling and atmosphere with the catering company. Having staff in crisp, clean uniforms, pristine linens and well-prepared food all contribute to this atmosphere.

When it comes to holiday catering, even more emphasis is placed on the visual. People enjoy the glitz and festivity that surrounds holidays and will want their catering company to pull out all the stops for their holiday party. This means including some tasteful and colorful decorations, as well as bright and impeccably cleaned tablecloths.

Tablecloths Help Create an Experience

Though smell has long been hailed as the most powerful sense we have in triggering memories, sight has also been proven to affect taste. In 2004, researchers at Oxford University revealed that there is a complex interplay involved between senses in the brain. This enables us to experience and understand the world in a unified way. These findings are particularly useful for those in the food and entertainment industries. We now frequently see business marketing that promotes this "selling an experience" approach. For restaurants and caterers alike, it is important to consider all the senses and how their business will be perceived by each facet of the consumer's perception.

Benefits of Professional Laundering

Using a professional laundering service is the most efficient way to get crisp, clean linens for your holiday parties. Professionals are trained to handle high volumes of tablecloths at a time and can even help to cut down on risk for infectious disease, such as the spreading of the common cold. Before and after each event, it's important to send linens out to be professionally laundered. Doing so not only ensures your tablecloths will be neatly pressed and ready in time for your event, but will also cut down on spreading colds and flu that are common in the winter months.

Professionals ensure tablecloths are properly washed, pressed, folded and looking fresh. They also sanitize, remove stains and unpleasant smells, and eliminate disease-causing germs. Taking great care of your linens is an integral part of creating a festive and elegant dining experience; the extra effort will not go unnoticed by your customers.