Kidney Transplant Criteria For Donor As Well As Recipient

The kidney is one of the most important parts of the human body. Most people who are suffering from kidney problems, will have to go for dialysis treatments and then hopefully move on to become a kidney recipient. Therefore if you are in this group, it would behoove you to learn all about the criteria needed for a donor as well as a recipient. I will help you learn all about the criteria that you will need to become a successful candidate for kidney surgery.

Kidney surgery requirements depend upon both the donor and the recipient criteria. Before kidney transplantation surgery is performed, you have to attempt to plan and prepare as perfectly as possible in order to make the operation successful. If you fail to make a proper plan, then it could lead to excessive financial burdens, frustration and disappointments. Some of the key criteria that needs to be looked at before going for kidney transplantation is as follows:

Kidney transplant criteria for donors:

The donor must be willing to donate the kidney to save the life of a person in danger. The kidney donated must be healthy. The tissue and blood profile of the donor and the recipient must be similar. There are quite a few blood and organ tests that must be performed in order to secure as perfect a match as possible so do not get discouraged.

Kidney Transplant Criteria for recipients:

In all cases of renal failure, one does not need to go for kidney surgery. Kidney transplantation should be performed on people who have suffered irreversible kidney damage which has compromised the functioning capacity of the organ. If the patient is at the end stage of renal disease, the nephrologist will recommend that the patient undergo surgery.

Before going for transplantation, the patient's overall health needs to be assessed as well. Only if the patient can survive kidney surgery, will the doctor may recommend that a kidney operation should take place. The age of the recipient is very important with all surgeries. If the physician feels that the patient's quality of life will be improved, then this will be important in order to move forward with the surgery. Some physical factors also need to be considered when deciding for or against a kidney transplant. Such things as logistical and financial considerations must be fully appreciated. This is important since the patient needs to know ahead of time all about the cost of the transplant surgery including the hospitalization fees, surgery care, dialysis and dietitian services. All of these kidney transplant criteria should be discussed at length so that you become an informed patient.