Cosmetic dentistry is a field with the best smile possible-not necessarily from a health perspective, but from an aesthetic patients. Although there is no question that takes care of your teeth for a total oral health is important, gives a nice set of teeth is also a very strong social attractor. Is one of the most common compliments we use, you have a beautiful smile. If you have not to this came in a while (or ever), you can see, someone in the field to see what can be done. Here are some of the most commonly used methods.
Tooth whitening
Tooth whitening is probably the most popular (and inexpensive) method in all cosmetic dentistry. Today, there are also products you over the counter, where you can buy, try your hand at lightening in the comfort of their own home. Of course, these products differ in quality, with some experts that its price is really no value, they charge. The same can not be said that it made professionally. With a variety of techniques, including chemicals, lasers and light, the professionals make a significant difference in the shade of the teeth.