Correct understanding of the brush, away from common errors

Misunderstanding: the bigger the more usefully brushing efforts

Should be the chasten method of brushing teeth toothbrush and a 45 standing angle, brush lightly up and the floor, rather than the intensity the more acceptable. Each tooth surface should be lightly at in the smallest degree 10 times, each time brushing during the term of Dental Equipment at least 3 minutes, be possible to be completely effective way to destroy oral bacteria. In addition, for more hard to remove parts such to the degree that teeth, but also use dental floss to entire.

Myth: The new mother postpartum continuance can not brush your teeth

"Many persons fear that the new mother the thirty-six inches cool, best not to brush your teeth, it is unfair." Qin Hongxia said.

Why is this? Qin Hongxia explained, women deserved after giving birth, because the carcass has not fully returned to erect hormone levels, coupled with adequate nutriment during pregnancy and postpartum, less exertion, the oral cavity is very untroubled to congestion, if not good nuncupative hygiene, it is prone to gingivitis , periodontal ail and other oral diseases, so in the postpartum continuance, new mothers have to brush your teeth through warm water every day.

In adding, women during pregnancy due to changes in hormone levels, are besides prone to gingivitis, it is recommended to course of life a pre-pregnancy oral health investigation.

Myth: every day, using mouthwash, teeth, freezing and clean

Many people believe that a commodious and effective mouthwash, teeth will suffer cool after use and clean. "In thing done, do not advocate that people exercise mouthwash daily or long term." Qin Hongxia, we acquire a variety of flora of the rant, in equilibrium only when these bacteria be possible to effectively prevent the occurrence of diverse types of oral diseases. However, a affix a ~ to of commercially available mouthwash,Daily parole cancer prevention especially doctors to decree medicinal gargle with water most of the anti-inflammatory ingredients, they will suppress a stated type of bacteria in the cry, resulting in flora, giving rise to a multiformity of oral diseases , oral anaerobic bacteria of the like kind as too much will cause periodontitis, spoken lactobacillus too easily lead to dental ulceration .

"Using the medicinal mouthwash, preferably like the adept's advice, if there is ~t one inflammation of the mouth, not to care while a daily mouthwash." Qin Hongxia said, brushing every day, is the most judicious oral care.