Who those can not be tooth extracted?

Before this article, we'd like to explain tooth extraction first. What is tooth extraction?

Tooth Extraction is a last resort and is reserved only for those cases where pain is excessive or an infective process has set in and the amount of time remaining for the mission is greater than the time to safely control infection with antibiotics.  A course of antibiotics will not cure a tooth infection, and more definitive care is always necessary.  Extraction should only be done when all other treatment options have been exhausted and on consultation with Surge.

Also, dental extraction is the removal of useless teeth. It is a minor surgery, which is benefit to our dental health. However, not all the people are suitable for the extraction. Do you know who can not be dental extracted?

1. Pregnant women. The first three months and the last three months of pregnancy can not be extracted. Dental extraction in the first three months can lead to abortion while premature delivery if the last three months before labor.