Dental Crowns – Protecting your Teeth

Tooth care has become convenient and well within the realms of possibility, with so many techniques and devices available today to help prevent problems, protect the tooth, and provide replenishment if tooth gets worn out. The days of dentures are being replaced by efforts to keep the original teeth in place, prolonging their longevity. Dental crowns come under such a category, where week teeth are protected using teeth shaped structures, which act as caps over the teeth. Dental crown protects the tooth from further damage and prevents complications from developing. Dental crowns are used to prevent the teeth from cracking, in improving their health and appearances.

There are various applications of dental crowns, right from restorative purposes to cosmetic designs that are made to provide a polished appearance to damaged teeth. Dental crowns are used to protect weak teeth that may be in the risk of cracking or falling apart, in holding them together in place, or they could be used to restore severely worn out teeth. In some cases of cavity formation, the decay may be so intense and extensive that there may not be much tooth left, which could warrant a filling. In such instances, dental crowns are used to support such weak teeth, where filling may be out of question. Dental crowns are also used in tandem with other arrangements, such as dental bridges, where the bridge is held together with the help of a dental crown. There are also other cosmetic purposes of dental crowns, as in covering up teeth that are severely discoloured or have a bad shape, or to provide additional cover for dental implants.

Dental crowns could be of many ingredients, ranging from metal, porcelain blended with metal, resin, or ceramic. The process of preparing dental crowns would normally be done in two stages. In the first stage, the dentist would decide on the dental crowns, their sizes and the types, based on the dental problem and the dental structure. It could be done with the help of X-Rays, which would help in identifying the gravity of the problem In the event of dental decay, which could necessitate a root canal treatment before the dental crowns are done. It is after the reshaping of the teeth is done and the condition of the teeth are ascertained, that measurements are taken for dental crowns. While the first visit could involve the making of temporary crowns to protect the teeth that have been attended to, permanent dental crowns are then made to order and fixed during the second stage of consultation.