Oral Health Emergencies

Accidents to the gums and teeth may be potentially significant oral health emergencies if they are neglected. The risks of lasting damage are greater if these sorts of incidents are neglected for too long and they may well also need further widespread treatments in the future to mend damage that could have been attended to sooner.

Here is a prompt summary of what to do for certain general dental problems:

Severe toothaches - Firstly, carefully wash your mouth with lukewarm water. Make use of dental floss to remove any stuck food. If your oral cavity is swollen, apply a cold compress to the outer surface of your mouth or cheeks. Never put aspirin or any other general anaesthetic against the gums close to the aching tooth since it might burn the gum tissue.

Chipped or damaged teeth - If you can, recover any fragments of the broken tooth. Rinse both your mouth and any damaged pieces with lukewarm water. If bleeding, you should apply a clean, damp piece of gauze to the area for a minimum of ten minutes or until the flow of blood stops. Making use of ice wrapped in fabric or any cold compress to the affected area on the outer surface of the cheeks, mouth, or lips must keep the swelling down and will relieve some pain.