What are the Different Types of Braces and How Do They Work?

If you are considering getting braces for yourself for the first time, or considering getting them for your teens or tweens then you may have some concerns about how braces work, and which ones are best. Braces work by placing pressure on the teeth which forces them to move closer together. This may sound kind of concerning, but braces have been used for over a hundred years in some form or another. Dentists and dental scientists have had all this time to perfect the application of braces and in practice they have affirmed that braces are not only the best functional way to straighten teeth, but are also safe.

There are several different kinds of braces that someone wishing to straighten their teeth might be considering. But not all braces are made the same and the quality of outcome for certain braces is not as good as others. Most people when they think of braces are first drawn to the idea of the traditional metal-wired braces. These are what everyone thinks of when they think of braces and it can be difficult to disassociate braces from that image considering that they were the standard in braces for so long. But there are now several different types of braces on the market and they all work in different ways.

As we said the first and most common method is traditional wire braces. These braces are typically made of stainless steel and are attached to the teeth by the dentist. This style of braces can be very painful because of the sharp metal parts in the mouth, and many users report that they have difficulty tasting their food through the metal. These braces also limit what types of foods are acce3ptable to eat because of the fact that many foods may get trapped in the wires of the braces. These braces use ties to hold the wires and brackets in place. These braces work by tightening the smile with pressure created from the force of the wire, which pulls the teeth tightly together, on the teeth.