Carefully pull the infected tooth is not cancerous

Most people have an idea, there is no matter how oral diseases or pain, can hold back the all forbearance, can not help but only to a hospital, in fact, this idea is very wrong in the process of pain disorders have been produced, especially the situation appeared rotten teeth, be careful as wonderful as rotten teeth pulled out, then you may not have contracted cancer, so more harm than good.

Teeth and mouth can be seen within the oral mucosa of two adjacent tissue, a hard and soft, no problem under normal circumstances, each playing their physiological functions. However, since the neighbors, it is inevitable bumps. Especially when the bad tooth decay occurs when holes in the mucosa will suffer the pain of bad teeth.

Oral mucosa is a layer of tissue only a few millimeters thick, although thinner, but it has to protect mucous membranes of various organizations and the important immune barrier function. In general, mucosal regeneration are strong, for the friction caused by long accustomed to chewing, eating worn when the Normal teeth and periodontal tissue keratinized epithelial layer, in less than six hours in length will have their own good. However, like tooth decay caused by long-term fixed in a position repeated friction, it will make too much for delicate oral mucosa.