Dentists in Boca Raton: The Effects of Smoking on Your Oral Health, Part 4

It has been the goal of this four-part article series to provide more information on the relationship between tobacco-use and your oral health. We began in part one and two by discussing the various effects of this habit upon your overall oral health and hygiene. We then, in part three, began looking at the difference between the various forms of tobacco-use (smoking and chewing), ending up with a discussion of the health benefits afforded by kicking the habit. In this article, the final installment of our four-part series, courtesy of these dentists in Boca Raton, we shall provide some advice on how patients can approach quitting and, in the meantime, minimize the effects of tobacco-use on the health of their teeth and gums.

Advice from Dentists in Boca Raton: How Can I Quit Tobacco?

There are really two different facets to an addiction to tobacco-use, say dentists in Boca Raton. First of all, there is the brain's physical addiction to nicotine and this can quite readily be addressed through the use of medications designed to calm the cravings. If you can't see yourself kicking the habit without the assistance of medication, it is best to schedule an appointment with your doctor who can either recommend over-the-counter nicotine patches or gum, or a prescription medication such as Zyban.