Medical Equipment and Travel First Aid Kits

If you are planning on going on vacation it is a good idea to make sure you pack a travel first aid kit to ensure that you have access to any basic medical supplies and medical equipment which you might need whilst you are away. Even if you are only travelling within your own country it is a good idea to have supplies on hand in case you are hurt in an unfamiliar environment and do not know the location of the nearest medical store or where to get access to medical equipment.

If you are planning on travelling outside of North America or Western Europe, it is a good idea to include a set of disposable sterile syringes. In some areas, such as Africa and South East Asia there is very limited access to clean medical equipment, and it is possible that if you require an injection, the doctor may be forced to reuse a needle. The risk of cross-contamination is very high, and you are in danger of contracting numerous blood borne illnesses. Even if you ask for a clean needle to be used, there may not be one immediately available, so providing a sterile needle of your own could be the safest option. If you are travelling with this kind of medical equipment, it may not be allowed in your cabin baggage on a flight.

Diarrhoea and rehydration medicine are also essential if you are travelling away from home. Large amounts of salt and fluid are lost from the body during prolonged cases of diarrhoea and vomiting, especially if you are in a very hot environment and are sweating as well. This can lead to dizziness, heat exhaustion and fainting, and could eventually cause more serious damage to your internal organs. Although increasing your fluid intake and eating salty foods can help, rehydration solutions are a good idea to help the body absorb fluids and essential salts. Diarrhoea medicine can also help to temporarily stop diarrhoea if it is becoming problematic.

If you are planning to travel to the tropics or spend any time in the countryside, insect repellent and bite relief creams or tablets are good ideas. Some people react strongly to insect bites, and even if you are a person who does not usually get bitten by insects when you are at home, you may react differently to foreign insects. Anti-histamine tablets can reduce the swelling and will provide temporary relief from the itching.

Bandages, sticking plasters and antiseptics are an essential part of any first aid kit. Cleaning, applying antiseptic and dressing a wound as soon as possible can go a long way in preventing a minor injury from developing into a more serious infection. Carrying out basic first aid on a more serious wound, then dressing it until you are able to get to a hospital can also make a big difference. Even if you are just planning a beach holiday, waterproof plasters are an item that will prove useful if you need to cover a small injury, such as a blister caused by a pair of flip-flops that rub. This can help to prevent sand or foreign objects getting into the wound.