Wound Care Products for Cuts and Scrapes

It is important when you have children that you have wound care products on hand to treat cuts and scrapes. Cuts and abrasions are the most common injuries that children get so having the wound care products to treat these conditions on hand will allow you to be prepared at all times.

The single most important wound care products for cuts and scrapes are self-sticking bandages like Band-Aids. These items are useful to cover the wound and prevent germs and debris from being introduced through the opening in the skin. They make bandages like these that have triple antibiotic ointment on the pad of the bandage so that the triple antibiotic ointment stays in place against the wound. Children can often be terrified to allow you to put anything on a cut or scrape because they fear that the treatment will hurt worse than the injury does. The bandages that have the ointment on the gauze portion will save you to argument of trying to apply antibiotic cream.

Wound care products that almost every mom will need to treat cuts and scrapes include hydrogen peroxide, gauze, bandages, alcohol, antibiotic ointments, cotton balls, and suckers. The candy does nothing to treat the wound itself, but it always makes the child feel better if you give them a lollipop for being so brave while you tended to their injury.

You may also want to have some butterfly bandages on hand to help you seal cuts that are pretty deep, or to seal gaping wounds. You can get these items at most pharmacies. It can also be beneficial to always have scissors and paper tape handy when you are treating injuries on a child.

Since a lot of cuts and scrapes are caused by metal objects you will want to make certain that your child is up to date on their immunizations. You want to have a record of when your child had their last tetanus shot. If it has been ten years since they have received a tetanus shot they will most likely require one if they cut themselves on a metal object. Do not rely on memory to tell you when their last shot was. Write this information down and keep the paper in the medical supply, or first aid box in your home.

Tweezers are handy to have in your supply box because when glass is involved in the injury there is a good chance that there could still be some glass in the cut. Tweezers will help you to get the foreign matter out of the wound before you begin to dress the wound. A small flashlight may also be needed to see into the wound well enough to remove foreign objects like glass or splinters of wood.

Cold packs help to reduce swelling and age appropriate pain relievers like Ibuprofens, or acetaminophens, can help to reduce the pain caused by the injury. Watch a wound like this for inflammation and redness that radiates out from the cut. These could be signs of infection.