Are You a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

One of the options you can have before undergoing any dental procedure is sedation. How would you know if you are a good candidate for sedation dentistry? Here are the conditions or qualities you must have in order to qualify for sedation during a particular dental procedure.

Patients with dental phobia This is the most common reason why many patients consider sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry does not put these patients to sleep during the procedure. They are simply relaxed and may only experience numbness in the mouth area.

Patients with no allergies to sedatives A patient can be a good candidate especially if he/she has no allergies to sedation. During consultations, patients are required to inform the dentist if he/she has any allergic reaction to a specific sedative, whether it is inhaled, injected, orally taken, or topically applied. Patients must also inform the dentist if he/she is currently taking any medications to determine if there is a possibility for contraindication.