Pit and fissure what children should do?

Children's milk teeth and immutable dentition of the premolars, molars conducive to chewing surface is uneven, there are some natural pits and fissures and cracks, flat plate of metal and food debris is very content. Easy to accumulate in these areas, on the other hand it is difficult to brush your teeth cleaned, past time, parts of pit and fracture caries occurs, that is, pit and break caries. According to our statistics, the children's earliest Dental Artcles and second molar cariosity opportunity to more than 50 spells higher than the front teeth, during the time that 90% of the first and secondary molar pit and fissure caries are cariosity.

The are many reasons, first for the reason that of the eruption of the teeth normal not yet fully developed, lack of exterior calcification, acid-poor, prone to decline.

Second, because the consciousness of in need children is difficult to adhere to a diurnal morning and evening using the modify method of brushing teeth completely move plaque and food debris, combined, children like to act corrosively sweets, confectionery.

Third, replacement teeth in children for the period of the parents tend to ignore the perpetual molar eruption, mistaken for primary teeth and raise that dental caries, there was no timely treatment. For these many reasons, children Tong Zhongheng grinder caries was very common, and once very serious decay. Therefore, to end pit and fissure caries prevention be inclined significantly reduce the incidence of caries in permanent teeth of children, to improve vocal health.

Fissure caries prevention method is to appliance the most effective method of snare and fissure sealant, has been widely in application worldwide. Its principle is very artless, that is, a polymer resin corporeal to fill the chewing surfaces of molars nest and channel cracking, cut off from external cariogenic factors, to bring about the purpose of caries. So, the sort of do children suitable sealant? To total up, usually in molar eruption not above a year after doing sealant beyond all others. Eruption of teeth because of the unused lack of surface calcification, acid-reduced, prone to decay, should take premature preventive measures;

On the other talent, just deep fissure eruption of the tooth outside, blocking agent is not easy to become off, caries best. Specifically, the sealant is just for children in the following situations:

3 to 4 year olds. Closed principal molars. 3-year-old eruption of milk teeth, to the time when about 11 to 12 years ~-fashioned replacement, a long residence time Removal of evil habits baby in the mouth, has each important role, if qualified, should produce the sealant. However, younger children, behave not match, do molars fissure sealant is more difficult.

6 to 7 years of period of life, the first permanent molars (age six teeth)ruption is 6 years mean, is the first eruption of stable teeth in the mouth, but also play a chewing function, affecting the teeth placing, affecting the maxillofacial development of the four ut~ important teeth (up, down, left and unswerving of each one), must be preservation. Warns that, to be fully erupted teeth in the chaps, no gum (gum) coverage, in order to do pit and fissure sealant, or assuming by the gingival crevicular fluid, sealant is complying to fall off, reach the purpose of caries.