Dental Implants - Why Are They So Popular?

Dental implants have become a very popular and sought after option for replacing lost tooth. It is an expensive procedure and takes much longer than other tooth replacement techniques but, that has not deterred people from going for this treatment. The reason for its popularity is simple - it is very effective and aesthetic in appearance. Once you have finished the dental implants procedure there is no way people are going to find out the difference between your original teeth and their replacements.

Dentists recommend dental implants because it is the only technique that helps conserve teeth. The jaw bone also benefits as there is no further loss of bone which occurs when people loose their teeth. With dental implants, patients experience an improved lifestyle as they can eat and talk as before. They can smile with greater confidence and generally lead better lives than before. It's a blessing for both the older and younger generation who have lost their teeth due to various reasons.

As you see from above there are many reasons for the popularity of dental implants. It is expensive as each teeth can cost you upto $4500 dollars from implant to crown. So, your costs will go up with the number of implants you need. For a set of 4 implants you will be paying around $18000 dollars. This is a substantial amount and no dental insurance covers it. So, there is no other alternative than to pay the entire amount.

There is one option that might be worth exploring in order to cut costs. There are certain dental schools that offer dental implant procedures to patients for a much smaller fee than at a dentists. Students who are learning and need practice will need patients on whom these procedures can done. These dental clinics are run on some days only and for a few hours in a day. You will need to call the school and ask for all the details. You will need to register with the school for receiving treatment. There may be a long waiting list of patients waiting for their treatment. So, you need to be really patient and be prepared for a long wait.

Even at a dentist's the whole dental implant treatment can take 3-6 months. First, the implant is placed in the jaw  and let to heal. This will take from 4 - 6 weeks. For some this may take longer as the healing is not complete. Once the healing is done then a tooth is fitted and a crown is placed on the implant tooth. The whole process can take 3-4 dental vists for measurements and fitting.