Is it possible to od on tramadol?


or is it one of those you will just be sick drugs?


Yes, Tramadol overdose is very dangerous and can be fatal. Symptoms of Tramadol overdose are much like the symptoms of opiate overdose: lethargy, light-headedness, drowsiness, pin-point pupils, clammy or bluish skin, shallow breathing, slow heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, vomiting, seizures, passing out, coma. If you think someone may have overdosed on Tramadol, you need to call 911 for an ambulance immediately. Don't try to induce vomiting, and don't try to encourage them to walk it off -- they should stay still and wait for the paramedics to arrive. If they're unresponsive, lay them on their side so that if they vomit they will not choke.


it is possible to od on ANY drug. like, you drink/ingest enough of anything, yeah, you can die.different drugs will have different amounts you would have to ingest, but if it is considered medicine or a drug, you can certainly od on it


if it is an opiate analog (pain pill) then yes , just like a junkie .


Absolutely and being it is a mind drug (A mild anti-depressant) the overdose can be deadly. STAY away from this shitty drug!

Kings Park
Mill Neck
Greater Carrollwood