Does anyone know the effects on a body from tramadol and beer?


please this is not a joke I drink about 6 to 7 beers a day and I take 300 mg of tramadol a day I need answers if anyone has taken this med before


Nausea, vomiting and sweating. Drowsiness is reported, although it is less of an issue compared to other opioids. Dude your taking to depressants. You could seriously not wake-up tomorrow. But, 300mg in fact of dosage is not that much. Seizures have been reported in humans receiving excessive single oral doses (700 mg) or large intravenous doses (300 mg).But you might want to stop. I dont know if your familiar with rap or anything but tramadol mixed with something else (i forget) was what killed ODB 'old dirty bastard'. Take medications with water or some other type of beverage. Why are you taking it? Do you have seizures? Are you epileptic? Well, anyway I hope everything works out for you and you don't have any adverse affects. Take care.


Tramadol adds to the effects of alcohol and other depressants.Don't mix pain medications and alcohol. Not only can it have bad effects, but it can be hell to play on your poor liver.


The main concern with mixing pain meds with alcohol is the workload of the liver. I would suggest choosing one or the other until you can get a doctors advice.Your liver probably cannot handle this amount on a consistant basis.

Mi-Wuk Village
Klamath Falls
Texas City