I am taking tramadol im just wondering if it gives a buzz or not?


Does tramadol give you a nice feeling


In recreational doses (up to 300mg) yes it can (some feel extreme euphoria from tramadol), but this depends on the person. Taking doses above that would be dangerous, even with tolerance, because tramadol can cause seizures at very high doses. Be careful abut addiction - this is a very real possibility even when taking regular medical doses, and withdrawals are very bad.Medical doses may cause some mild buzz for some people, but it would never be much to write home about.


No i had it for pain and it is very good ,but can make you very very constipated depending on the dosage so eat fruit and stuff to help it along.


my friends have tried tramadol and said that it took at least 5 tramadols to feel the buzz. so yes it does! hope this helps.


It all depends on your body, really.I tried tramadol for back pain, and it did virtually nothing for me, regardless of how many I took. It did not even kill any sort of pain in the slightest. However, for my mom, she takes one and she's loopy.

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Barnum Island
Fernan Lake Village