How much tramadol is too much?


I just took 50mg of tramadol (one pill)Is it safe for me to take another one??Yup, im using it recreationally.And please, can I only have real answers? I did not come here for life lessons.


I've taken four before but I had a bit of a tolerance built up. You can take another one but you'll probably fall asleep or nod off. Don't get addicted, I was starting to.


it depends on the person's body , if u r overweight take 400 mgs , if u not take 250\300 mg's as a miximum , after one hour smoke a good joint , and you'll be telling me THANK YOU :p , you'll get strong euphoric effects , but please dont get hooked on this because tramadol addiction is not a joke


Recreationally ? Really? Tramadol? Why not Tylenol the risk of seizure is less and the buzz would be the same NONE ! I mean come on tramadol sucks it does nothing except possibly kill u with no fun in the process.... I have a huge bottle of them right here and they will probably be in the trash on Monday I wouldn't have bothered to fill it had I been paying attention... But my question is why not smoke pot or drink it's safer and provides an actual buzz....

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