How often can i get my tramadol ultram prescription refilled?


It is a non-narcotic pain reliever.


It depends on your insurance coverage. How often do you need it refilled? Are you following your doctor's prescription? If you are then it should be a non-issue since that information is put into the pharmacy system and your insurance company sees it. The time I spent working in retail pharmacy, I've seen plenty of patients abuse their medications, particularly pain. Those are the medications that get lost, stolen, or the doctor changes the dose midway through without writing a new script. The pharmacy personnel have to do a lot of work and it's frustrating when you think you are being lied to by the patient. How often can someone's dose be changed or lost? I would follow the prescription. If you are going on vacation then you can get an additional refill usually or a supply to cover your vacation. Tell the pharmacy staff so they can get the authorization from your insurance company. It will save them time and aggravation. More importantly, it will save you time and aggravation. If you have any problems with the medication or it's not working like before then speak with your doctor and if he recommends taking more than before, ask him to call in a new prescription for you. Tell the pharmacist that your doctor has changed the prescription and he should be calling in a new prescription for you. The pharmacy team will help you because we want patients to get their medication when they need it. But we do see a lot of fraud, unfortunately. It impedes our efforts.Generally, you are given a week before your Rx runs out to refill it. If you go 5 days before you are to run out then that should be perfect. You then don't have to wait for it to be filled and can pick it up the next day if you want to.


Some doctors will give you 3-5 months worth of refills.


It should say on the refill before 'such and such' date. It also depends on your insurance company (if you have insurance). Additionally, your doctor determines how often/how much (the quantity) you may receive per/month generally speaking.

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