Will it hurt a person to take tramadol while taking methadone?


methadone is a narcotic blocker. tramadol is not a narcotic, but is used for pain


I wouldn't do it. I know they're both pretty powerful and both mood altering. I know that junkies use both so I would not combine them together, you really shouldn't need to. Methadone is usually used when someone is trying to get off drugs. Tramadol may not be a narcotic and may not be controlled but it probably should be as it definately alters the mood.


should be fine. is a narcotic tho.. a U-opiate agonist. tramadol isnt an antagonist at all so it wont put u in withdrawal.. be careful man. there is no interaction besides being really drugged up... its funny, cuz i was in ur situation like 5 years ago and had a ton of it and didnt know if i could.. i was scared it was an antagonist... never ended up taking it.. and luckily i dont take anything now.

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