Brushing the gums bleeding often

First, localized factors, such as the stimulation of bacterial plaque, dental calculus, traumatic occlusion, dentition, food impaction, and adverse prosthesis-induced marginal gingivitis, by the above factors coupled with the catchy breathing, as well as systemic factors caused by hypertrophic gingivitis, and the further development and to periodontitis, such as the initial manifestations of these diseases are rare in stimulating such as bleeding gums when brushing your teeth, did not stimulate bleeding, periodontal swelling itching and discomfort, and the gradual emergence of periodontal pain.

Is a systemic disease factors, especially blood disorders such as hemophilia, leukemia, aplastic anemia, as well as tumors. These diseases cause gingival bleeding is only mild irritation, bleeding gums, and bleeding difficult to stop. These disorders accompanied by systemic changes in circumstances. The system checks and laboratory tests can be found in the blood system, such as clotting factors, blood-polar change.

Treatment: For the first case should be treated for the cause, such as tartar and plaque scrape; adverse prosthesis removal; correction of food impaction, and traumatic occlusion. If you have periodontal pockets to form a flap surgery for reattachment of gingival resection and gums surgery, supplemented by systemic antibiotics, metronidazole, and gargle 1:5000 nitrofurazone solution or 1:5000 chlorhexidine liquid Dental implant damage to other teeth gargle. More than to be cured or improved. Control symptoms and maintain oral hygiene is very important. For systemic disease caused by bleeding gums treatment, mainly for medical treatment for the cause