Dental Care Services in India | Dental Tourism in India

When should consider Treatment?

Dental check ups are essential for a healthy body. The idea of dental prophylaxis is critical these days as they might impact on systemic diseases. Ordinarily, Children should receive an initial evolution between the ages of 6 months to 1 year. Adults must monitor their oral hygiene semi-annually. Our patients range in age from 1 to 67. It is never too late to have a beautiful smile.

What are the different treatments being offered?

We offer adverse array of treatment procedures encompassing all corners of comprehensive dentistry. It can involve restorative treatment like crown and bridge or root canal treatment; periodontal treatments like scaling and root planning,  graft surgery, cosmetic dentistry like smile design, bleaching/teeth whitening, veneers, gum re contouring, oral surgical procedures like extraction, removal of impacted teeth, treatment of oral lesions, orthodontic procedures involving both kids and adults.