Use Invisalign Braces To Make A Good Smile Great

Ask almost anyone and they'll tell you that they'd dearly love to have a perfect smile. Not only would it look good, but it would massively boost their self esteem and confidence. Most of us, if we think about it, could draw up a list of the things which we think are wrong with our teeth. It could be the shape, the colour or individual teeth which have been damaged or are missing altogether, and all of these are problems which a dentist can deal with. Many times, however, the thing which will really complete a total smile makeover, lifting your teeth from being just okay to being truly exceptional, is having them aligned and straightened. In the past, people would often be wary of this because it usually entailed having to wear metal braces which were uncomfortable, obtrusive and ugly. This is now no longer the case, however, thanks to the breakthrough of Invisalign braces.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign consists of exceedingly lightweight aligners which are manufactured from clear plastic and made in a specialist laboratory specifically for each individual patient. Invislaign braces are genuinely virtually invisible once you're wearing them and they shift your teeth over a period of time in a manner which is painless and gradual. As each set of braces completes its' work it is replaced by the next set, thereby making sure that the movement of your teeth is seamless and continues at a uniform pace until they are in exactly the right position. Unlike the cumbersome metal braces of times gone by, they won't feel painful, or cause irritation to the gums, tongue or cheeks.

Calling them ‘Invisible Braces' may sound like something of a gimmick, but the truth is that it's a pretty accurate description. Even if somebody is standing right next to you, enjoying a gossip at the office Christmas party, for example, they won't be able to see that you're wearing them and will remain unaware unless you tell them. In the first few days they may cause a very slight lisp when speaking but, should you need to make an important speech of some kind they can be easily removed and the same ease of use applies when you want to eat or drink. All of this means that you're free to get on with your professional and social life while the treatment goes about straightening your teeth.