Front teeth missing hazards

Teeth and our health, but also closely linked with the appearance, if it is the lack of front teeth will affect the pronunciation, the most important thing is to seriously affect the appearance. In a sense, the teeth is the other face of the person, Guangzhou Durham Dental experts said, is because the teeth can affect the formation of the person's appearance, dental health on the physical and mental health is very large. Teeth in addition to the function of chewing food, pronunciation, speech, and maintain the normal morphology of the face features. All of these factors essentially contribute to the maintenance of personal self-esteem and dealing with interpersonal skills ability. However, not everyone is able to do so have a good tooth, missing teeth on human health, appearance and self-confidence will have a very big impact.

The expert explained that the missing teeth is a very common oral disease, although a lot of missing teeth by not high, however the proportion of clinical seeking treatment, lack of a two teeth in a lot of people seem trivial, as long as there other teeth can replace the complete chewing on the line. Missing front teeth should be repaired in time, or it may bring a lot of problems, such as the growth of Teeth whitening there are tricks periodontal disease, causing gastrointestinal disorders, affecting the pronunciation, or even prevent memory. For the beauty of women, the most terrible is that, unlike other oral diseases, tooth loss will lead to the face gradually collapse, seriously affecting the facial appearance.

Do dental implants after tooth loss is often preferred. Well prepared dental implant implanted materials is essential, the experience of the expert is also critical for the success of dental implants using titanium dental implant, made of specific forms, implanted in the formation of the implant to the Do not ignore the impact of exogenous pigment teeth alveolar bone above the implant, followed by repair, to restore form and function of the missing teeth and feel comfortable without pain before dental implants not only to restore tooth function, but also so that the front teeth than real teeth, but also perfect.