Zirconia all-ceramic dental cast porcelain teeth difference

Zirconia all-ceramic dental cast porcelain teeth are porcelain teeth, does not contain any metal components. Zirconia ceramic dental cast porcelain teeth have excellent biocompatibility, and the color is vivid and natural.

The production of all-ceramic dental ceramic material fired within the crown, the biggest difference of all-ceramic dental porcelain teeth is produced within the crown from porcelain, is a transparent skeleton, and then on the outside of firing ceramic powder .

Prosthodontics, the material is based on technology is a decisive factor. Zirconia all-ceramic dental cast porcelain teeth on the doctor's skill requirements are higher, zirconia ceramic dental cast porcelain teeth are produced by the non-metallic materials into a crown, all belong to non-metallic porcelain teeth, but the two or different.

Zirconia ceramic dental cast porcelain teeth are of ceramic materials, with beautiful, translucent enamel similar to refraction, dental cosmetic results closest to the natural teeth. Ceramic material and human biocompatibility best will not stimulate the gums and gingival inflammation, gingival discoloration phenomenon.