How To Make And Use Home Teeth Whitening Kits

Almost everybody wants to have a nice pair of pearly white teeth. Some people prefer to use over the counter teeth whitening kits, while others do not prefer these. Since many over the counter products leave side effects, many people don't want to use them for the purpose of teeth whitening. Moreover, over the counter products are expensive that all people can't afford to buy them. Generic teeth whitening kits may include teeth bleaching gels, mouth trays, teeth bleaching strips and lots more. If you are interested in making your teeth whiter and brighter than ever before, you can surely do it without going to a dentist's clinic and spending hundreds of dollars. You can get it sitting in your home with home teeth whitening methods. Here are some easy at-home methods of teeth whitening.

•    Consume citrus fruits as much as you want. You can use the fruits as well as their pulps for making teeth brighter and whiter. Like, you can rub the peel of strawberry across your teeth for about one to two minutes every day. You can also mash some fresh and ripe strawberries in a bowl and crush them to make a fine paste of it. Now take this paste with your finger and rub it onto your teeth like you do with regular toothpaste. You can also use orange for the purpose of home teeth whitening. Rub the orange peel onto your teeth to brighten and whiten the teeth. The citrus fruits help to eliminate stains from the teeth surface and make it whiter and brighter.