Is there a way to make a solution out of zydol capsules tramadol so you can inject it?


I've tried mixing it with water and putting heat underneath it so it would thin it out so it would draw up, but heat destroys the analgesic effects so do I just keep filtering it when drawn up cold till I get a clear solution?


That is a dangerous and possibly deadly thing to try ! Medications made for IV use are vastly different,and they are sterile.Pills are not. Pills designed to be swallowed, have special coating's on them, to prevent them from dissolving in the wrong place in the stomach etc. Crushing a pill to inject in the vein can lead to a vascular collapse ,embolism, and death ,from injecting a contaminated substance,its goes directly to your heart!You may think the drug is dissolved,but its not. Please stop this insane behavior before you die. SW RNP


You really can't inject the other ingredients in any sort of pill or capsule without risking serious harm to yourself. Flesh eating disease for example! :)Getting opiates out of pills depends on different factors. If the opiate is very soluble like codeine (tramadol I believe is) you can use that to extract it... eg crush, dissolve as best you can in warm water (not too hot!), cool & evaporate so most other material solidifies, filter.There is also a way using weird things like ammonium chloride, calcium hydroxide, and I forget... umm it's complicated! Check out alt.drugs.hard at google groups for more useful advice.Many pills containing opiates however have a waxy substance in them specifically meant to stop you from being able to extract things... I doubt Zydol does, but if it does that would complicate things. It's still possible but you'd need alot more chemistry knowledge than I'm guessing you have.

Sulphur Rock
Moose Creek