Is tramadol ok to take for non medical purposes?


like i have some pain in my ankle and i have not been prescribed and i want to know if i will be ok taking some


Well it's best not to take it if it hasn't been prescribed for you and especially if you haven't taken it before. Although it's a pain relief medicine it can cause side effects therefore it is better if your doctor is aware that you have taken it, just in case you do have a reaction to it.If you have just mild ankle pain, try taking an anti-inflammatory (provided you are not already taking anything that would interact with an anti-inflammatory or you have any existing medicial conditions, which are aggravated by anti-inflammatories) such as ibuprofen, which you can get over the counter.


i dont condone non perscribed use, but its should be ok for your moderate pain. i used to take a couple 30mg pills a day and they would help my pain.

Upper Kalskag
Wolf Lake