Has anyone used ultram or tramadol and how did it affect you?


Why did you use it? Addictive? thanks.


VERY IMPORTANT! I was addicted to Ultram and Tramadol for three years, and it ruined my life. I was in a car accident and was prescribed it, and when my script ran out I started having severe withdraw (hot and cold sweats, vomiting, insomnia, etc.). Before my accident, I had taken it for fun when I was in my late teens. I'm not gonna lie, it makes you feel fantastic. You get this unbelievable euphoric feeling, your mind is sharper...I actually took it for my college entrance exams and tested out of a few classes. When my doctor said I didn't need them anymore, I freaked out and started buying them online. I was a slave to them, I went down to 95lbs., and lost all my money. I just stopped a year ago (i'm 25) and sometimes take them recreationally. If you take them, don't do them for an extended period of time. Be careful.


I've used it for about 3months for severe lower back pain, (discs). I found the side effects were worse than the back pain and in fact agravated my back pain so much more. I just stopped taking it .


Yes NOTHING. Its a pseudo opiate its very mild it takes the pain away but absolutely does not cause medicine head.

Holly Pond
Gilman City
North Seekonk
Ranchitos Las Lomas