Will tramadol interact with neurontin orofacial pain medication?


I have tmj and am takinga 300mg capsule of neurontin to manage pain however I used to take tramadol and it worked swell . Tonight I am going for a sleep study and am in much pain and would like a fair study conducted for sleep apnea so I need to know if I can take tramadol now also to eliminate the pain I am in


Tramadol has a fantastic synergy with Neurontin (Gabapentin). Combining these two will provide increased pain relief and there are no adverse reactions with combining these two. There are warnings about Tramadol yes. These are related to Tramadol's purported SSRI activity. So it would be risky mixing Tramadol with an SSRI antidepressant or with drugs that lower the seizure threshold (eg. Wellbutrin, Elavil etc.). But with Gabapentin, no. There are a lot of benefits to this combination. As for facial pain medication, I can't answer that unless you tell me the name of the medication.Neurontin has a synergy with other opioids like Morphine and Oxycodone as well. Hope this helps. Here are links to some helpful studies done on this combination:1) content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/pro2) cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cp3) www.medscape.com/viewarticle/5022Please remember to always verify the information you get here. You can find these studies via Google, by simply typing in Tramadol and Gabapentin


Do you really trust your health to just anyone with a computer and access to Yahoo?? Here is a link that will allow you to check yourself if you should. Use the interaction toolpdrhealth.comI take neurontin and oxycodone every day but I know there are some interaction warnings about tramadol. Seriously, check it out yourself,,don't trust just anyone.And if you are going for a sleep study tonight you shouldn't be taking anything that you haven't been instructed to do prior to the test!! Good luck and good night

Sand Springs