Is there any major risk associated by taken tramadol pain killer and viagra within 3 to 4 hours intervals?


I take Tramadol to enhance my mood; I take it in an abusive manner. I'm now addicted to it, but this is not the issue now, as I will deal with this problem in the near future, my concern now is what are the consequences when taken Tramadol and 2 to 3 hours later take 1 tab of 50mg. in addition to couple or 3 glasses of wineRight now I ONLY take Tramadol right after i wake up in the morning, it has been gradually increasing, and right now I take up to 300mg to 400 mg,( neither Viagra nor alcohol)Please help with an answerI'm not taken Viagra now but soon when I meet my lover I will. We only meet once a year for 1 month, other than that I don't have sex during the remaining 11 months, hence no Viagra at all(I'm a very busy person holding middle management position in a major financial institute-45 years old, diabetic)


45, diabetic, addicted to tramadol.. and wanting to take viagra on top of that?? you might severely mess your self up if you dont die.. tramadol is a depressant, viagra is a vasoldialator.. and then putting wine on top of that?? thats called speed balling and it kills....


Don't listen to any ol' firemonkey. Go to a doctor! Your a polyabuser, which can lead to certain heart failure. Just put down the viagra, and go to the doctor, no girl is worth your life.

Lake San Marcos
Hickory Flat