My doctor gave me a scrip for 180 tramadol is it more dangerous than other painkillers?


I have had a bad back for years and told my doc that I don't want anything real strong because I still have to function at work. But after reading a little about possible side effects it seems to be worse than taking an opioid. Has anyone taken this stuff and is it worth it?


I was prescribed tramadol (zydol) about 6 years ago, I was about 16 at the time, for lower back pain following surgery on a herniated disc. I started to take less as the pain decreased but it had horrible side effects. I was so addicted to them I got the shakes and couldn't sleep at all. Then last year I was prescribed the same again under a different generic name; not realising what they were I had a repeat of what had happened. They are a great pain killer but I'd seriously advise staying away from them,I take tylex now, which are a mixture of 500mg paracetamol 30mg codeine in each capsule. I find they work great and yes even though the codeine is slightly addictive, its not a fraction as bad as the tramadol.


Tramadol will make your back stop hurting, and make you useless.Don't drive, don't drink beer, don't mow the lawn. Just stay in one place, and plan on staying there for a lot of hours.It will stop the pain. Unless your work is watching TV, you won't function very well at all.- Stuart


Personally, I would say that if you have a bad back you should take it.But if you can take 1 week free from work, do it.


They are way overrated. Kills no pain, has horrible side effects. This is a bad joke for people really looking for true pain relief.


my dad was prescribed it but won't take it. he doesn't like the way it feels to be on them.

Cedar Mill
Seneca Knolls