How many mgs tramadol does it take to get similiar effects as 5mg of percocet?


Is tramadol even a narcotic?


50mg of tramadol (usually one pill) is similar to 5mg of percocet.It is sort of a narcotic, but a fairly weak one at that.And actually, tramadol isn't very addicting. percocet is MUCH more addicting than tramadol. But tramadol withdraws are much worse because tramadol is also a partial SSRI.If 1 doesn't give you substantial pain relief you'll be fine with taking 2.


Tramadol is an opiate based pain pill.It is just as addicting and more likely to kill you that percocet, which kills plenty of people.If you have pain other than from cancer you should not be taking either.See a chiropractor or other natural healthcare specialist and get off of this drugs + or didnt you notice that this is the alternate medicine board.


It's a synthetic narcotic and it is considered highly addictive---you posted 2 questions about it which really make me think that you are indeed, highly addicted to prescription drugs already. Consider getting off those drugs alltogether and try chiropractice or holistic medicine...good luck

Old Jefferson
Eaton Rapids
Rising Sun