Does anyone know with absolute certainy wheather ultramtramadol will show up in a hair sample drug test?


Please:1) please only answer if you know for sure2) dont guess3) tramadol is not an opiate and does not contain codine. I am 100% sure it does not show up in drug rehab urine testing but I am unsure if given the differences between a urine and hair testing and court and drug rehab it could show up in hair testing in court.thany u


Tramadol/Ultram is a non-narcotic. But I am looking at in My drug book and it states that it is a Opioid Analgesic. I do not think that is shows up in a drug screen, because it is a NON-NARCOTIC. It states here that it is a Synthetic anagelisic not chemically related to opiates.

Candelero Arriba
Schell City