I have 2 bulging discs and was prescribed tramadol worked wonderfully for 2 years but has stopped working any?


Cannot take anything with a lot of codeine as i have small children to take care of. Am getting to the point where i cannot lift myself out of bed without extreme pain. Tried heat, homeopathic route, nothing seems to have worked. Kind of getting desperate as i know if i stay inactive my health will deteriorate. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. p.s. i do not have any weight issues. Thanks


Hello!Sorry to hear about your pain.Unfortunately, your experience is quite common as it relates to the prescription medication - it tends to only work for a short period of time.As an athlete, I've experienced both back and neck problems and was pushed towards both surgery and medication ... I, too, tried many homeopathic solutions and also became discouraged until I changed my focus from treating the pain to treating the cause.You see, pain is simply a sign that tells our body that something is wrong - that what we're doing is not working and that we need to change. Though the idea of bulging discs may seem daunting, the goods news is that they can be healed.All too often, modern medicine treats the pain instead of asking the question: WHY are you in pain? WHAT caused the pain? and HOW can we treat the cause?Taking away the pain without treating the cause is like shutting off the fire alarm in a burning building.We sometimes believe we know the cause of the pain (like an injury or accident) but, when you delve into the depths of possibilities, you'll see that the cause of pain generally falls under one or often all three main categories:1) Postural imbalances caused by a sedentary lifestyle, accident, injury or illness2) Nutritional dificiencies not supporting the body's natural ability to heal and regenerate and/or making the body more susceptible to injury.3) Emotional traumas, stress, worries or anxiety manifesting itself in the body in the form of pain.So ... my long winded answer to your question would be to encourage you to explore the causes of your pain rather than trying to treat the pain - it may surprise you to learn that you can find long term relief from your bulging discs faster than anything else you've tried before.Good luck!To your health,Charliewww.backandneckpainresources.com/www.backandneckpainresources.com/back-and-neck-pain-resources.blog


tramadol is a strong one..u should know that in your case drugs are for pain temporary pain relief only, it does not treat the cause of the pain it selfa disc bulge means that the disc is not in its correct normal position.pain killers are gonna help you for a period of time but a disc bulge or a derangement if ignored with time can lead to early degenerative changes of the spine.what really works for this kinda problem is visiting a chiropractor or a physiotherapist.is it so severe ? is it a reversable or an irriversable change? is it only a bulge or do u happen to have canal stenosis? some times ppl need the surgery and nothing else.all this can only be confirmed by going to a specialist who knows how to diagnose and treat ur condition.if u ignore it and choose pain killers, it will just get worse over time.Good luck


Bulging discs may or may not be the actual cause of the pain. You can ask your pain managment Doctor about a test called a Discogram which will help you determine if the Disc really is the cause.You may also benefit form Steroid injections, or Facet Join blocks.Your problems may come from what is called Muscle Splinting which results in your body stiffening up the muscles around the affected joints in order to brace the injury.You may have developed bone spurs which are pressing on exiting nerves.It's time to consult a pain management Doctor if you have not already, or a Neurologist for an evaluation.You'll need new imagine.You can not expect a drug to fix your body because they are not designed to do that. The drug only blocks the pain signal temporarily.Discs have no source of nutrition after a certain age - usually mid 20's and everyone's will degenerate over time.Pain is not fully understood, and there can be a variety of causes. But clearly you need to find help investigating your problems.Lower back problems are incredibly common. There are manual therapies like Rolfing that may bring some relief. There are also core strengthening exercises and machines (MedX) that can help.But the bottom line is the first step is the Doctor and up to date imaging.Over 200,000 spinal fusions are performed in the USA each year. And Artificial Discs are now available.So you will have options, but only when you figure out the true cause.If you would like to read about surgical issues there are a couple of places online. The one I like best is ispine.org

North Salem