Taken tramadol 400mg and feel really sleepy will taking clonazepamkolonapin make me less sleepy?


I took Tramadol 400mg about 3 hours ago and the only effects i have is i am getting really sleepy. If i take clonazepam[kolonapin] will it help by making me not sleepy anymore? I read somewhere its hard to fall asleep while on kolonapin thats why i ask.


Not likely! It may even make you even more sleepy. Contact your doctor and see if you can get the Tramadol dosage cut in half to start out on and slowly increase the dosage as your body adjusts to it. The best way to know if a med is going to make you drowsy or not is to look at the warning stickers the pharmacist places on the bottle of that particular med or even by calling the pharmacy and asking the pharmacist if you still have doubts.


I agree with above Answer better decrease your dosage then try once Good Luck..

Pine Hollow
West Dundee